P2PU hey hey

Hi P2PU. My name is Gabriella. I like space, physics and life. I have 2 kittens and they are adorable. One just got her cone off and is running all over like crazy. I want to learn more web development because I’d love to be able to create a site myself. I remember when I was 15 and had a MySpace. I was in awe of people who created those myspace layouts! I started learning bits of HTML from there, and here I am now diving deep into the entire world of it all. I’m excited. Image

And here’s a picture of my kitty! She just got her cone off, so all she does it clean herself all day and run around.

7 thoughts on “P2PU hey hey

  1. Hey Gabriella,
    Awesome to see that you have taken the some steps already on the journey to web creation! I have just started out my journey, and really want to explore the creative possibilities of the web, so that I can use it in a classroom when I graduate.

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